BRIEF: To outline the border of water is a Sisyphean task yet Man still desperately attempts to define boundaries- of Us and Others. Migrations take place as resistance to such outlines. With these movements, new narratives, nodes of feelings and lived experiences are conjured. Is there a sacredness to crossing borders, and what then, are new emotions mapped and left forgotten?
Drawing the Border of Water is a project collaboration between the Migrant Writers Singapore (MWS) and students from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts led by artist-lecturer Noor Iskandar, in an attempt to converge the world of art and literature through acts of conversations, performance and responding. Using the notions of border and water as routes of memories and (dis)placement, the project sieves through a communal expression of storytelling through different cartographies.
Hopefully, this whisper of a collaboration becomes a ripple for more sacred conversations as such in the greater community, elevating the crossings between disciplines, genres, voices.